Facility Information:
10,000 square feet
4 large classrooms
Indoor gym
Bathrooms in each classroom furnished with 10" toilets
Large kitchen for all the meal prep and food storage

We take pride in keeping our facility clean and germ free. Our trained staff practice disease prevention techniques, such as:
• Disinfecting classrooms, equipment and toys multiple times daily
• Teaching and observing proper hand washing techniques
• Preparing all food away from the classrooms in a designated kitchen space
• Wearing disposable gloves to prevent the spread of germs when preparing food, and while attending to the sanitary needs of children
• Following Department of Health cleanliness and sanitary standards
Knowing your child is safe is crucial to your peace of mind and we know it. We have consulted with experts to create a Safety and Security Program that features:
• Strict background checks on all staff
• Infant, child and adult CPR and First Aid-trained staff
• Epinephrine auto-injector trained staff
• Secured entrances with restricted visitor access
• Closed-circuit cameras with playback option that are continuously monitored by staff
• Password-protected Internet viewing of classrooms
• Emergency and inclement weather preparedness plan
• Monthly Fire Drills

Yoga and Relaxation

Foreign Language Lessons